Friday, March 20, 2009

What a stud...

Look how awesome this picture is! It was taken at one of the Oregon games and posted on UVU's Althetic page. I really miss Josh while he is gone and it's really hard for me some weeks to not see him for days at a time, but I'm so glad that he is playing ball while he has a chance and having fun with it. He has great coaches and has made so many friends through baseball- it's been a great experience. I look back and wonder how it would be if Mac was still alive...would I miss Josh more? Would it be harder for Josh to be away from his son? It's hard knowing that I won't see McKallister for a while, and at this point I guess I'm just glad that Josh and I can miss each other, knowing that we'll see each other next week. Love you Josh!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Spare time fun...

My little Sister, Taylor, and I have been doing Birthday parties in our spare time. :) TJ is an amazing artist and so does the face paintings and I will do the others hair while they are waiting for their turn. It's a cute little way for them to feel pampered and we have both really had a fun time doing what we love! Thanks for all of our cousins for volunteering their friends to be our experiements. :)

What's new...

Ok so as you can see it's been two weeks since I last blogged- man did I have a lot to catch up on! There has been a ton going on with our little family so I'll do my best to update everyone...

Josh- Baseball Season...need I say more? Josh so far has traveled to Portland, Cedar City, and he is currently in Spokane for the next couple of days. They have had a series of home games, which I have loved to watch him play and have changed my work schedule around so I could try to be to all of them, which means a lot of tired days for me (working from 7:00-3:30 then watching baseball in the cold until 10 or 11 at night). Josh is doing really well this season considering everything that has happened in the last year and how clingy his wife is. :) Only 40 more games- or 2 months- left and Josh is officially done with college ball. I can not believe how fast it all went and don't know what I will do without baseball in our life. I'm proud of Josh because between baseball, family, church callings, traveling, and hanging out with me, he still finds time to do his school work and is kickin out some pretty good grades so far!

McKallister- Perfect kid. :) No but really, my little man would probably love watching baseball games by now and not know anything different then hanging out with Dad in a room full of stinky baseball players. But...since he is not here with us, I have some good news! I went in today and paid for Mac's headstone!!! It was a big step for me to go in there all by myself and I think I did really well. I was telling my little sister that Josh did most of the design on his headstone and I think that it's because that's the one thing that Josh can do for Mac and do to feel close to him. I love it even more because Josh picked out what he wanted on it and cared what happened with it.

Me- UVU Althetics has put on a 5K walk/run the past two years and that was this morning. Last year I was 6 months pregnant and walked the 5K but then this year I stuck with my Dad, Mom and Alex and Al and I would run for about 30 seconds and then we'd both be too tired and have to walk for 3 minutes. It was actually really fun and made me realize how bad I still need to get in shape. :) In May I am going to travel to Hawaii with the baseball team and Josh and I are going to stay a couple days extra with some of our friends and family- I'm so looking forward to that!! Other than that I am just working - I'm still working at Uppercase Living and loving it. :) And that's what's been up...

I'm going to try and post some pictures of what has been happening but it seems like every time I can get my hands on a computer, I don't have my camera and vice versa so wish me luck. :)