Thursday, November 13, 2008

I've been tagged...

I kid you not....this was my 10th picture in my 4th photo file. Yeah- that's my husband. :) haha this was taken last winter when we had gone sledding with Ike, Bethany, Taylor, and some of their friends from High School. Afterwards we had hot chocolate (and if I remember it wasn't so hot any more?) and hooked up a tube to the back of our truck. It was a way fun night and as you can see Josh was hotter than ever!!!! Now I tag, Mom, Taylor, and Marni

Oh and P.S. the logo on the side is because we loaded all of our pictures on to Josh's Ipod and then they accidentally were deleted from our computer- the only other place we had them! We found this system to put things from your Ipod back to your computer, but as you can see all of our pictures now have this logo. My advice to you- store your pictures in more than one location!! :)


Natalie Maughan said...

I tagged you first!! hahahaha

The Jensen Family said...

What a nerd; I'm picturing Josh laughing when you showed him this picture you were posting!!

TJ said...

um... Sexy Josh. So what do I even do? Oh I like your slideshows by the by. love you guys!

Unknown said...

Great photo! X.

Unknown said...

Josh, where is your lovely babuska? Looking good! Jake

Tyler & Cassie said...

Hey Cali!! I just wanted to let you know that we are going private so if you would like to still keep in touch send me an email